The City/North District: On the tallest building in the center of the North District, you'll find this chest atop the arch where the train passes through on the west side. The City/North District: From Chest 14, continue heading east to find this chest on the other side of the highway exit atop a building. The City/North District: Near the train's exit on the north side, head east to find this chest on the top of a building. The City/North District: Underneath the train near where it exits the map on the North side, you'll find this chest. The City/Central District: You'll find this chest on top of the southern entryway of the west most building in the Central District. The City/Central District: You'll find this chest between two fan units atop the roof of the west most building in the Central District. The City/Central District: You'll find this chest on a red platform atop the roof on the northeast side of the west most building in the Central District. The City/Central District: You'll find this chest on the northeast side of the building immediately west of the Blue Striped tower.Ĭlassic Kingdom Game: Mickey's Mechanical Man The City/Central District: You'll find this chest in an alley on the west side of the building immediately west of the Blue Striped tower. The City/Central District: You'll find this chest on a central supporting beam of the highway in the Central District west of the blue striped building. The City/Central District: Under the overhang on the south side of the building with the blue rings in the center of the Central District, you'll find this chest scrunched between some vending machines. The City/Central District: On the north side of the building with the blue rings in the center of the Central District, you'll find this chest hidden behind some build boards near the ground level. The City/Central District: On the middle section of the building with the blue rings in the center of the Central District, you'll find this chest. The City/Central District: In the center portion of the cylindrical building to the east of the Central District you'll find both this chest and chest 30. The City/Central District: In the center portion of the cylindrical building to the east of the Central District you'll find both this chest and chest 1.

The City/South District: Right along the line of the South and Central Districts, on the east side you'll find a large glowing container you can destroy by dive attacking. The City/South District: In an alcove on the west side of the round building (northeast of the save point) you'll find this chest. The City/South District: On top of the second building north of the South District Save Point you'll find this chest.
Kingdom hearts electrum ore how to#
The City/South District: At the very top of the building in the northwest side of the South District, you'll find three chests around a radio tower.Ĭlassic Kingdom Game: How to Play Baseball The City/South District: You'll find this chest under the exit ramp on the northwest side of the South District. The City/South District: You'll find this chest behind some billboards near the southernmost part of The City. The City/South District: You'll find this chest behind some billboards on the ground at the right angle of a building near the southernmost part of the map. The City/South District: You'll find this chest directly southeast of the South District Save Point. Partway up, there is a spot you can stand on on the south side, you'll find a gap in the side of the building with this chest. The City/South District: Go to the largest, tallest building in the city. The City/South District: You'll find this chest on top of the structure shaped like a Sushi Chef in the Southern District near the Save Point.
Kingdom hearts electrum ore full#
The City/South District: After you gain full access to exploring the city, defeat the group of heartless and you'll find this chest on the sidewalk to your left.